“Lessons Learned from the St. Thomas Basement Project”

This week we will have Coffee Hour in the newly remodeled basement of St. Thomas after the 8:30 Mass. We arrive at the end of this project very aware of the many ways God has blessed us in this endeavor. In a short time, the basement Fellowship Room has been made healthier by addressing moisture issues, and freshened up with new paint, carpet and chairs. However, the biggest blessing was to see how so many of our parishioners stepped forward to share their time and talents.

Talents are God-given and are not intended to be hidden away but used to bless others and build God’s Kingdom. Every one of us has been given talents from God, and no one gets the same exact talent. And because of this, we must learn to depend on each other and work together. We also must learn to encourage each other to put these gifts to work. The St. Thomas basement project revealed so many hidden talents in our parishioners. We discovered sewing talents, design talents, organizing talents and carpentry talents. But we also discovered that some people are talented in helping and encouraging, and some people are good at the behind the scenes clean up.

Talents are meant to be shared. We have seen over the past several months that with encouragement, people in this parish can really be agents for change, when they decide to share their talents. We need everyone in the Catholic Community of the Blessed Trinity to feel confident in sharing his or her time and talent. Are you hiding a talent under a basket? Is there something you can do to bless others or build God’s Kingdom? Know that at CCBT, we want to encourage you to make use of your talents. We are all a part of the Body of Christ and every “part” matters. Talents are like muscles, the more you use them the stronger they get. Never think that your talent is insignificant. If you are good at sweeping, we need you! If you are good at running errands, we need you! If you are good at baking we need you! So, ask yourself, “In what way can I serve others here at CCBT?” And when you come up with an answer, call the Rectory (594-9430) and let us know…and we will be sure to find a way to put that talent to good use!