
Others were appointed to take care of the utensils
and all the sacred vessels, as well as the fine flour,
the wine, the oil, the frankincense, and the spices.
– 1 Chronicles 9:29, NAB

As Christians, we find ourselves privileged to be invited to partake in the Supper of the Lamb. That the People of God may be properly nourished with Word and Sacrament, we prepare the sacred space where the liturgies are celebrated. Are you one who likes to prepare the table, a meal for your loved ones? Consider being a sacristan at daily and/or weekend Masses.

For more information, please contact Marilyn Gowers or Kathy Sanzotta @ (315) 594-9430, or Kathy Hoyt @ (315) 594-9774.

Parish Guidelines for Sacristans

Order of the Mass

General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy