The backpack drive has now ended. The Community Clothing Center thanks all parishioners for their great generosity! We gave away 159 backpacks along with many school supplies. The children were delighted to choose their own from a wide variety of quality donations. THANK YOU all so much, they were greatly appreciated!

Non-Perishable Food Campaign
WE GIVE THANKS to our Parish community for the abundant donations to our food campaign. We were able to provide a variety of goods to the Red Creek Community Food Cupboard and the Wolcott Presbyterian Church Food Cupboard. In addition, through Social Ministry funds, we made monetary donations to help them provide for holiday giving. Please remember in your prayers those who volunteer and work in food pantries and other feeding programs in our community. Repeatedly, Jesus tells us through his words and actions to care about people’s physical needs. We are all doing just that! Thank you very much for your support.
~ Pam AuClair and Marie Smith

In Matthew Kelly’s book, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, he names the third sign of a dynamic Catholic as generosity. He notes that generosity is at the heart of the Christian life, just as it is at the heart of the Gospel, and that God proposes generosity as the path to happiness. Matthew Kelly speaks of many facets of generosity…time, talent, and treasure. Once again Parishioners have answered the call to be generous as the Health and Hygiene Drive concludes. Many, many items were donated to benefit the Red Creek and North Rose-Wolcott schools. Thank you very much for your continued support and your generosity. It is greatly appreciated! We are blessed.

The CCBT Social Ministry team would like to THANK the many volunteers who recently prepared and donated a dish for the Family Promise host night. We hosted 6 adults and 10 kids, so the help was greatly appreciated! Our parish is so grateful for Marie Smith who coordinated and organized this meal. The volunteer cooks so beautifully demonstrate our faith in action! Thank you all!

Eileen Bielemeier – Rich Bielemeier, Miriam/Whitey Bilmier & Bill/Lee Shannon
Bernadine Burghdurf – Robert Burghdurf
Denise Centro – Genor(Gene), Agnes & David Bernardy
M/M James Ernstberger – Shevlin Family, Ernstberger Family
M/M Craig Howe – Stewart & Christie Thompson, Mac & Thelma Bader
Catherine Immerman – Immermann & Molchany Families
Tom & Linda Jenkins – Diane Faiola, Dave & Mary Jenkins
Karen Kaindl – Kaindl, Steffen, Beck, Sauter & Philben Families
M/M Maurice Keefe
M/M Walter Krehling – James & Doretta Onofri, George & Mary Krehling
Georgia Pendleton
M/M H Poole – Bob & Joan Grunow, Lee Poole & Rocky Powers
M/M Vincent Santillo – Helen & John Sloboda, Natalie Glusko, Frank & Anna
Szygalski & Santillo Family
M/M Mark Sanzotta – Marilyn Gowers
Debbie Sloan – Incarnato Family
M/M John Werner – Crosby & Werner Families

The Social Ministry team and the Community Clothing Center sincerely THANK all those parishioners from CCBT who so generously donated backpacks for the children this year. Everyone was delighted with the quality, variety and sizes, lots of happy faces! We are so very grateful for your ongoing support!

Peppermint Days Ecumenical Service
Thank you to those who participated/ attended the Peppermint Days Ecumenical service at the Ohmann theatre on July 14th. Various members of the interchurch council lead the service and presented the readings. The interchurch council of Lyons along side its Christian congregations in Lyons give witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ within our community. Together they worship, study, serve, and support the unity/well-being of the community.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Catholic Community of the Blessed Trinity Parish and St. Joseph the Worker Parish for participating in the recent Family Promise Diaper Drive. A bountiful number of diapers were delivered to Family Promise last week and sincere gratitude was expressed for our contribution. Once again, thank you for your generosity and willingness to serve the needy in a time when we are all experiencing monetary increases in EVERYTHING! ~Jill and Marie

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. ~Proverbs 19:17

Garden Angels
We would like to thank Rick and Linda Crocetti for taking care of the grounds at St. Thomas. You have been faithfully taking care of the lawn and gardens for years and we want to express our gratitude to you both. We Appreciate you!
Your friends at St. Thomas

“It warms our hearts to know that people haven’t forgotten about us. Even through these hard and troubling COVID times you still think of us. So, THANK YOU from ALL the Past & Future
This sentiment was expressed by a past family of Family Promise. We would like to express our sincere thanks for your participation in the recent CCBT Diaper Drive. The diapers were delivered to Family Promise last week and they were grateful to receive our contribution. Once again, thank you for your generosity! ~Jill and Marie
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~ Matthew 6:21

Thank you shout out!
We are very thankful to our volunteers who have been working in the new flower garden at SMM; it is a work in progress. We are also grateful to Kathy Sanzotta for her donation of plants for our garden. Thank you!

……….we would like to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers who assisted us in cleaning, staging, selling items, buying items regarding our parish rectory/garage sale. As of today our total stands at $3002.00. None of this could have happened without your support.

Thank you to the group of volunteers who worked so hard to get the inside and outside of St. Jude’s ready for our summer Masses. A special Thank you goes out to Kathy Sanzotta for her generous donation of plants for the garden in front of St. Jude Church!

The Community Clothing Center would like to thank the generous parishioners of CCBT for the portion received of new socks, mittens & hats from the Christmas mitten tree. These items were much needed, especially with the early winter weather. As our mission is concerned with the dignity and care of all God’s children, the gift of new socks, new gloves, new underwear is always a goal to be attained; your contributions are greatly appreciated! I am proud to be in this CCBT church family! Thank you always, with gratitude, Jill Lee & staff

To all those parishioners who recently purchased gas cards or gift cards to support Family Promise, thank you so much! Our support keeps this program flourishing and together we do indeed make a difference. With winter drawing near, Family Promise is currently hosting two brand new families; there are 13 churches currently hosting, and over 11 families have been placed into sustainable housing. To donate at any time, go to the Family Promise home page or contact Jill Lee (315) 553-2243 or Marie Smith (315) 5911051 for further details. Your support is so greatly appreciated!

There is great news on the Care Net front! Thanks to CCBT and other supporters of Care Net, they have met their financial goal to purchase their next ultrasound machine. They ask that we please pray that the ever-increasing numbers of first-time moms come to Care Net to be an eyewitness to the miracle of a new human life within them. The final total of funds donated by CCBT was $1062.11. Thank you again for your generous donations to the Baby Bottle Campaign. ~ Rosemary Seymour and Marie Smith

The Care-Net Baby Bottle Campaign has come to an end. Care-Net’s mission is to help women and men in our community with life-affirming resources for and during a pregnancy and beyond. To date, with a few more baby bottles to count, our Parish has donated $1030.36 to Care-Net. We are forever grateful for your generous support of this ministry. It is greatly appreciated. Blessings, Rosemary Seymour and Marie Smith ~ For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21

On behalf of our new Hospitality Ministry, we would like to thank everyone for support for Mr. Spiegel’s luncheon, Gail Nau’s Memorial Luncheon, Fr. Michael’s brunch and our annual community church picnic. You truly do share your time, talent and treasure.   Susie & Kathy   ~May God Bless You All!

On behalf of the Family Promise program, I would like to thank those Catholic parishioners who put together a meal for the current family and delivered it to Faith United Methodist Church in Wolcott, especially Eileen Bielemeier & Marie Smith. This ecumenical effort is truly meeting needs. I also THANK the book group who generously donated several boxes of diapers for this same family as their service project. This was greatly appreciated! Blessings and gratitude, Jill Lee

A special thank you to all the parishioners of the Catholic community of the Blessed Trinity for completing your survey responses. They will be a valuable part of my dissertation research and will indeed define why you are so special as a faith community.

The first Corporal Work of Mercy is to feed the hungry. Repeatedly, Jesus tells us through his words and actions to care about people’s physical needs. Did you know that in the month of December you helped to feed 372 households consisting of 479 adults, 562 children and 177 elderly in our community? Pam AuClair and Marie Smith would like to thank you for your donations. Our food campaign was a success thanks to your continued generosity and support

A special Thank you to Michael Statskey and Mason VanFleet for painting the cry room at St. Mary Magdalene. They took on this project as part of their community service requirement. Please check out their work and thank them when you see them!!

“The Backpack Bonanza was a big success, many happy kids and parents, grateful fieldworkers. We extend a sincere and hearty THANK YOU to all the parishioners who so generously donated backpacks, monetary gifts, or their time and help. There were enough backpacks for all children who signed up with extras to spare. Special thanks to Dcn. Bob, Pam & Breezy Auclair, Brian & Ann Thompson, Julie Costello, and Eileen Bielemeier. Our joint effort does make a difference for our community! Photos of the event will soon be posted at the back of our churches. With much gratitude, Jill Lee & staff @ Community Clothing Center”

Thank you to everyone who planned and executed our summer picnic once again this year at Fair Haven State Park. It was wonderful as usual and I believe everyone had a good time. There was more than enough food and drink and plenty of games and lots of fun. We really need to praise God and thank Him because we are truly blessed. Every year the weather is perfect. We can’t ask for much more! So thanks EVERYONE for the preparation, setup, and clean up. It was a really great day! Fr. Michael

Once again The Holy Spirit has blessed CCBT!
Thank you Fr Mike & Deacon Bob for the beautiful blessing of our new kitchen at SMM and to the great support of all 66 who attended our brunch. There are too many names to list, yet a special thanks to all that prepared the brunch, brought food, serving & clean-up crew. God has truly blessed us. Thank you from Breeze Au’Clair & Susie Gallo

The Social Ministry team and staff at the Community Clothing Center extend heartfelt gratitude to the many parishioners who so generously donated men’s blue jeans recently. The drive was very successful and already many men have gratefully benefited. Thank you all so much for meeting this current need. Your generosity has been a true blessing.

The bake sale to benefit the pilgrimage in May to visit the Carmelite Sisters & Our Lady of Victory Shrine & Basilica was blessed by all who participated. We would like to thank you for providing so many goodies to sell. They were delicious and packaged so beautifully! Gratitude is expressed to everyone for buying… buying…buying. By the end of the 10:30 Mass all items were sold. We’d also like to thank everyone for their generous monetary donations. Over and over we were told to keep the change. We are continually blessed and want you to know how much we appreciate your part in making the bake sale a success! We are so grateful…thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ~Susie, Jill and Marie

“On behalf of the Community Clothing Center, we would like to THANK all the generous parishioners who donated to the mitten tree. We received a portion of them and because the snow & cold came early this year, it was a life saver for many little fingers. Thank you, and much gratitude to Cathy Immerman for putting up the trees & collecting the items. With appreciation, ⛄ Jill & Bob & staff

This year’s food campaign was a great success. Pam AuClair and I got an inside look at the local food pantries that benefited from the generous donations from all of you. Both pantries were getting ready for the holiday season so the additional food was much appreciated. Thank you very much for your support. You helped to make many families holiday season a little bit brighter.

The Catholic Daughters would like to thank everyone for their support of the Spaghetti Supper! Thanks also to our hard workers and a special thanks to Robert and Robin Delf for their donation!

A special Thank You for all who attended Ministry Day last Saturday. It was a special time for all Liturgical Ministers to come together and reflect on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the Eucharist. Thank you for your continued dedicated Ministry here at Blessed Trinity.
Father Michael

In Matthew Kelly’s book, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, he names the third sign of a dynamic Catholic as generosity. He notes that generosity is at the heart of the Christian life, just as it is at the heart of the Gospel, and that God proposes generosity as the path to happiness. Matthew Kelly speaks of many facets of generosity…time, talent and treasure. Once again Parishioners have answered the call to be generous as the Health and Hygiene Drive comes to a close. Many, many items were donated to benefit the Red Creek and North Rose Wolcott schools. Thank you very much for your continued support and your generosity. It is greatly appreciated! PS- The first sign of a dynamic Catholic is Prayer, the second sign is Study and the fourth sign is Evangelization. If you’re looking for a book that will help you become “a better-version-of-yourself” this one is worth reading!
Marie Smith

The Community Clothing Center wishes to extend immense gratitude to the parishioners of CCBT for their over-the-top generous response to the backpack drive. You are all incredible! We collected over 300 new packs along with school supplies and treats; the children were excited and delighted, as were the parents/ grandparents. *Please note a special thanks to those parishioners who work tirelessly at the center: Pam & Breezy Auclair, Brian & Ann Thompson, Eileen Bielemeier, Cecile Bogino and Dc. Bob Lee. THANK YOU!!! This is our faith in action ❤!

I have to thank everyone who planned last Sunday’s Parish Picnic. You all did a wonderful job as usual. I really believe fun was had by everyone in attendance. There was more than enough food for all. The games proved to be geared towards everyone, young and the more mature, those more advanced in years. There was great conversation, good fun, lots of laughs. The setting at Fair Haven State Park is also perfect. We also had perfect weather. There were some new faces there which meant new acquaintances and possibly new members for the Blessed Trinity Community. I know I had a good time and always do at the Parish Picnic. Too bad that event is only once a year. Thanks to all who came. It’s important for all of us to take the time to choose joy, fun and laughter for ourselves as often as we can.
Father Mike

CDA Bake Sale
Thank you to all the bakers who made the Catholic Daughters Bake Sale a wonderful success last Saturday.

Thank you. Thank you.
To all of you who volunteered to maintain our landscape and gardens at our churches. Aggie and Terry Burlee, Mary Carlucci, Rich and Linda Crocetti, Susie Gallo, Cathy Immerman and Karen Kaindl.

God has blessed us with many helping hands! Thank you very much for your generous donation of Time, Talent, and Treasure! 

“The Community Clothing Center was the grateful recipient of a portion of the items donated to the CCBT hat & mitten tree. Thank you all so much! The items were delightfully received by several families in our community and surrounding rural areas. Many THANKS!”

Thank You!
“The Community Clothing Center extends a heartfelt THANK YOU to all who donated to the recent coat drive. Now that the wintry weather has arrived, how grateful we are for the children and adults who are enjoying their warm winter coats! Your immediate and reliable generosity is amazing!”

Thank you!!!
We wish to thank Mike Kline for donating a large screen TV to St. Mary Magdalene. He also donated popcorn for our movie night and the movie, Miracles From Heaven, which we will view on January 21, at St. Mary Magdalene. All are invited!

Thank You :
On behalf of the CDA, we would like to thank all who came to break bread with us at our annual spaghetti dinner. We are very grateful for all the food donations, homemade desserts, all who worked in the kitchen, servers & cleaners and most all our main chef – Kenny. We are very blessed!!

Thank you!!!
Many thanks for Jack Woods and Dick LaBarr for donating the Christmas Trees!!!

Thank you!
Heartfelt thanks for your generosity in donating funds and health and hygiene supplies for our school children!

Thank you!!
“The counting team would like to thank the church for the 3 wonderful new calculators! Mary Capone’s quick response was greatly appreciated. Also, with school starting and the impending fall, this is a great time to join the Monday morning counters. Breakfast pizza and donuts await you!”

“The Community Clothing Center thanks you so much for the gen-erous support given to the Backpack Bonanza this year! We gave away about 275 new backpacks, school supplies, jump ropes, bubble stuff, candy, new underwear & T-shirts, etc. Much appreciation is given to our parishioners for contributing to the success of this happy community endeavor. This event was very blessed, thank you!”

Thank you!!                                            
I would like to thank everyone who planned this year’s Parish Picnic. We not only celebrated life in the parish community but 10 years of 3 Churches coming together – forming one Parish. This year’s picnic was enjoyed by everyone. What was really outstanding was the amount of creativity that went into it. Sweet, delicious prayer, excellent cuisine as usual, and endless, crazy games. You could tell everyone was having fun because there were lots of laughs & smiling faces. We were also blessed with a beautiful day weatherwise. Once again thank you to everyone who made it a perfect, fun filled day.                                           Father Michael

Thank you to Mary Durocher and our St. Thomas friends that helped to provide the children in Red Creek with their Religious Education. We are grateful for your help and could not have done it without you. Thank you for the great ideas, like the church scavenger hunt, that were used in both places. Thank you for helping to bring our children even closer to Our Lord. We are so grateful.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the kind and talented Rosemary Burgdorf. She shared her gifts of time, talent, and treasure to the children in our religious education program at St. Mary Magdalene. Each class, she surprised us with amazing, art creations that helped the Bible lessons come alive. We are grateful for all that she does to serve the Blessed Trinity parish. We appreciate her help teaching.

Thank you to the youth who helped to plant the Red Creek Community Garden. Thank you to those who helped a parishioner with deck needs, and thank you for church yard clean-ups. Please help maintain our beautiful churches and garden any time you can. If you see a weed, pull it; if you see trash, throw it away. We need you to help your church stay beautiful.

The Catholic Daughters wish to thank all those who participated in our Annual Bake Sale. Thanks to donations from our parishioners and our CDA members, we were able to contribute $320.00 to the Wolcott Clothing Center. Our Chairpersons for this event were Barb Campbell and Nancy Kohlmeier: a special thank you from our membership.

The Clothing Center Volunteer Staff would like to THANK the Catholic Daughters of America for their very generous donation as a result of the recent successful bake sale. This money will provide many needed items for the patrons of the center, and we are very grateful for the means to be able to help them. Your hard work, collaboration and outreach are greatly appreciated.