Families who work together to accomplish routine household tasks know that the benefits are more than efficiency. In sharing daily tasks, we accomplish more, but we also build relationships that last—and it’s a lot more fun!
Jesus sent his disciples in pairs to minister in his name. Perhaps the job was accomplished more effectively this way, but more importantly, Jesus’ mission was accomplished more authentically. The Christian message can only authentically be proclaimed in and through the community of faith. In our work with others, we build this community of faith and can invite others to share in it.
As you gather as a family, talk about some household tasks that are more easily accomplished when two or more people work together. Talk about how working together not only makes the job easier, but also makes the task more fun because we are able to spend time together.
Read together today’s Gospel, Mark 6:7-13.
Ask: Why do you think Jesus sent out his disciples in pairs? Observe that Jesus continues to give us a community with which we share our life of discipleship— our family and the community of the Church. Conclude in prayer together that we will continue to rely on the support of the community of the Church in our life of discipleship.
Pray together the Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit help us to relish what is right and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.