Posts by Marie Smith

3135 of 140 items


by Marie Smith

LONG RANGE PLANNING FOR THE EASTERN PARISHES Recently, a Long Range Planning Committee was brought together to begin formulating a plan for the future of our Eastern Cluster Parishes in Wayne County. The Committee is comprised of members of both the Parish Councils and Finance Councils of each of our three parishes. We are all […]

Parish Life

by Marie Smith

Have you been given the gift of organizing events? Are you good at gathering people? Do you enjoy planning trips? Would you be willing to use your God given gifts and talents to help bring more Sprit and Life to our Parish? CCBT Pastoral Council is seeking a coordinator/co-coordinator to help get a new Parish […]

Senior Companion Program

by Marie Smith

Senior Companion Program Finger Lakes Living Healthy Senior Companion Program assists older adults (65+) who are living more isolated lives. A senior companion will be assigned to you and will, provide companionship, transportation and companionship for social outings, including church, appointments and grocery shopping and so much more. Senior Companions are volunteers aged 55 years […]

Bereavement Group

by Marie Smith

We are hoping to form a Bereavement group for SJTW and support parishes. Anyone who has lost a loved one recently or in the past are welcomed. Please contact the office to express interest 315-902-4130.

Going to College

by Marie Smith

Please pray for our young adults who are beginning their college studies this year, in preparation for their life’s work. Pray that they will be hungry for wisdom, tempered with love, and that they will discern the truth in all that they learn, and those whom they meet and choices they will face each day. […]