All public Masses throughout the diocese have been suspended until further notice.
Father Tedesche and Father Walter will be covering all scheduled Mass intentions in their daily private Mass.

Blessed Trinity Parish office hours are limited to Mondays from 9 till Noon. Outside these office hours, calls should be directed to the parish offices in Clyde at 315-902-4130.


Please note the following:

• All Announcements will be made before Mass along with the Introduction of those serving.
• Lector/Commentator will announce the Prayers of the Faithful.
• There will be no offering of the Chalice at any Mass, daily or weekend.
• Offering to shake hands during the Sign of Peace will be at your own discretion
• For all the weekends of Lent, we will have a post Communion hymn. There will be no recessional hymn. Please make sure to maintain silence at this time.
• There is to be silence for 5 minutes before the start of Mass. Please be respectful of others who are praying!
• There will be NO recitation of the Prayer of St. Michael at the end of Mass.