Holy Week services will not be open to the public. Homilies will be posted on parishes’ websites at the different services’ times. Tune in at the right time to watch and hear the services.
Palm Sunday (April 5)- 10 am (Father Walter, preaching at St. Michael’s, Newark)
On Palm Sunday, weather permitting, there will be a “drive-by” palm pick-up from 10 am until noon. A volunteer will be waiting by the roadside ready to hand a blessed palm to parishioners who drive by, roll down their windows, and give a smile! Social distancing will be maintained.
Holy Thursday (April 9)- 7 pm (Father Walter, preaching at St. Michael’s, Newark)
Good Friday (April 10)- 3 pm (Father Tedesche, preaching at St. John’s, Clyde)
Easter Sunday (April 12)- 10 am (Father Tedesche, preaching at St. John’s, Clyde)
St. Michael’s, Newark
Webpage: www.stmichaelsnewark.org
Facebook: St. Michael Church, Newark NY
St. Joseph the Worker
Webpage: www.stjoetheworker.org
Facebook: St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Wayne County, New York
The Catholic Community of the Blessed Trinity
Webpage: www.ccblessedtrinity.org
Facebook: Catholic Community of the Blessed Trinity