Posts by Marie Smith

7680 of 140 items

Diocese of Rochester Permanent Diaconate Information

by Marie Smith

The deacon is a man of faith, who is called from the community that already recognizes his dedication to service. He makes a lifetime commitment to serving the People of God by proclaiming the Word, assisting and presiding at liturgies, and ministering in the areas of charity and social justice. A deacon gives witness to […]

Catholics Care. Catholics Vote. Participate in political life.

by Marie Smith

In their statement on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops remind Catholics about the call to participate in political life. “In the Catholic tradition,” they write, “responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation” (no. 13). Visit today to read the statement, watch videos, and […]

The Statue of Our Lady at St. Mary Magdalene

by Marie Smith

On Saturday, August 15th at the Mass of the Feast of the Assumption, Fr. Michael Merritt dedicated the statue of Our Lady at St. Mary Magdalene. Anyone who is so inclined is invited to pray and/or leave flowers

Lector and Counter Help Wanted

by Marie Smith

Please Note: Lectors are needed for our Sat/Sun masses during these hard times….there are sign up sheets in the back of each church We are still in need of a few more counters — meet on Monday mornings at 9am at SMM (please contact the office if interested) — it takes about 2 hours to […]


by Marie Smith

Please mail all collection envelopes, Mass requests and any other correspondence to: Blessed Trinity Attention: Mary DeLisio 43 W. DeZeng St. Clyde, NY 14433