Posts by Marie Smith

5155 of 140 items

Our Parish Needs You!

by Marie Smith

Our Parish Needs You! “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” Dr. Edward Hale, Founder Lend A Hand Society Please prayerfully consider how you can […]


by Marie Smith

ATTENTION SHOVELERS OF THAT WHITE STUFF!  If any parishioner shovels snow at any of our churches in both parishes, no matter the amount, that person must sign the snow removal log posted at the church entrance. This is for insurance purposes and the security of our parishioners. Thank you.

Creating a Safe Environment (for Volunteers) Online Training Instructions

by Marie Smith

Creating a Safe Environment (for Volunteers) Online Training Instructions Online-CASE-Instructions-for-Volunteers-REVISED-2020-21 All volunteers need to complete the same training— whether they are new or renewing after 3 years. The training consists of 5 online courses about creating and maintaining a safe environment. There is no charge to take this course.  Click on the image below and […]

Hands of Christ Award

by Marie Smith

HANDS OF CHRIST AWARD The Hands of Christ is a recognition program to assist parishes in affirming their high school seniors who have been the “Hands of Christ” in their church, home, school and community, sponsored by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. The Criteria to receive this very special recognition: ~ Has consistently demonstrated […]


by Marie Smith

The deacon is a man of faith, who is called from the community that already recognizes his dedication to service. He makes a lifetime commitment to serving the People of God by proclaiming the Word, assisting and presiding at liturgies, and ministering in the areas of charity and social justice. A deacon gives witness to […]