St. Mary Magdalene Kitchen Project

It has been our aim in planning this project to honor the past and preserve what we can, working in the present to make this space more usable for the future. It is with the time, talent and treasure of parish community members coming together that make this possible. May you be moved by the Holy Spirit to help however you can.


Tuesday, January 30 @  6-8 PM: Volunteers needed for kitchen remodel.

Thursday, February 1 @  6-8 PM: Volunteers needed for kitchen remodel.

Saturday, February 3 @ 9 AM – 12 PM: Volunteers needed for kitchen remodel.

Please contact Nancy Hamilton @ 315-587-2728 or email OR Susie Gallo @585-703-0813 or email A signup sheet will also be in back of church. Thanking you in anticipation of your “Hi, how can I help”.

No coffee hour Jan. 28th and Feb. 4th