Magnificat Rochester (a ministry to Catholic Women) invites all women to a breakfast buffet on Saturday, March 4, 2017 at the Diplomat Banquet Center on Lyell Ave. Rochester. Seating begins at 8:30 AM and the program is from 9:30 to noon.
Pre-Reservation is $20.00; after February 25th $22.00; Student $12.00. No tickets sold at the door. To register, mail check to: Magnificat Rochester, PO Box 24787, Rochester NY, 14624; include your name, address, phone number and email address. You can also register via PayPal on our website at For more information: call Kathy Murty at 436-1284, or send an email to: MagnificatRochester@
Confessions available from 8:00am -9:20am and again at noon. The speaker will be Fr. Mark Noonan, the pastor of St. Mary & St. Mark Churches in Holley & Kendall in the Diocese of Buffalo. He is one of 8 children and was a law student in Cleveland, Ohio when he slowly developed an awareness that the Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of Jesus. That propelled his faith and he soon realized God was calling him to be a priest.