Magnificat Rochester invites all women to a breakfast on Saturday, September 24th; seating at 8:30 a.m., program begins at 9:30a.m. and ends at Noon. It will be held at the Diplomat Banquet Center on 1 Diplomat Way off of Lyell Ave. Our speaker is Mary De-Turris Poust, a writer, editor, public speaker, retreat leader, and Catholic commentator. She has been featured in the Rochester Catholic Courier and on Catholic radio and television. She is Direc-tor of Communications for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, N.Y. Confessions available at 8 a.m. and again at the end of the program. Early Reservations $18.00; after Sept. 17th $20.00; Stu-dent $10.00. No tickets sold at the door. To register, mail check to: Magnificat Rochester, PO Box 24787, Rochester NY, 14624; in-clude your name, address, phone number and email address. You can also register via PayPal on our website at For more information: call Kathy Murty at 436-1284, or send an email