As we begin this season we will continue to have our Lenten evenings together on Tuesdays. This year we will hopefully enjoy different films and reflections from Bishop Barron too that touch on the call from God to many individuals and their response to that call. We will see so many different life journeys played out in various ways and how they met God along the way. Film has a wonderful way of enlightening us, informing us and capturing our hearts and minds and imaginations in very enjoyable ways. Hopefully with the films being presented we can also check our own spirituality. Perhaps we can identify with one or two characters and broaden our own perspectives on life. Some of the films are based on real events. Some might be fictitious but facts rooted in history.
6:00-8:00 PM
The Films are as follows:
3/12 SMM “The Way” – the story of pilgrims walking the Camino to Santiago de Compostela. There are records of pilgrims who have traversed the Camino from as far back as the 10th century. The film stars Martin Sheen.
3/19 ST “On Wings of Eagles” – if you remember Chariots of Fire about the Scotsman Eric Liddell, this film follows his missionary work in China.
3/26 SMM Bishop Barron speaks about Conversion and reflects on various characters from scripture
4/2 ST Film: “Paul, Apostle of Christ” – Paul, haunted by his past misdeeds, is awaiting execution and is visited by his friend Luke.
4/9 SMM Presentation on the Shroud of Turin.
Come, join the Blessed Trinity Community and experience Lent in another different way.
Many Blessings to you,
Father Michael