Family Promise is an inter-faith, non-profit local program designed to address the increasing problem of homelessness in Wayne County. The goal of the program is to help children and their families move from homelessness to sustainable independence. It is a holistic, integrated approach that begins with meeting immediate needs, but reaches much further to help people achieve independence and to alleviate the root causes of poverty. To learn more click on Family Promise below.
Thus, our Social Ministry Team has posted more tags at the backs of our churches for parishioners to take a tag, purchase the item and return it to the church in the labeled receptacle, or give the item to Pam AuClair, Kathy DeMass, Cathy Immerman, Jill Lee, or Marie Smith. This will be an effective way for CCBT to contribute to this ecumenical effort.
We thank you for your wonderful generosity and willingness to contribute to this very compassionate cause.
Any questions, please see Marie Smith or Jill Lee