The Exult Rochester Catholic Men’s Conference planning committee is organizing for the next Men’s Conference. We are in need of good men for leadership positions on the committee. We are especially looking for co-chairs to lead the team. Being a co-chair or committee member is a great way to serve our Lord and spread the good news of the gospel. Strengthening and encouraging men in our faith is greatly needed. Your help is critical!
Please join us: Exult Rochester Planning Meeting
Time: Mar 22, 2021 @ 6:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 862 1957 8226 Passcode: 834992
One tap mobile+19292056099,,86219578226#,,,,*834992# US (New York)
Contact our Exult Rochester Executive committee at if you have any questions. This is an excellent opportunity to acquire leadership skills and bond with men from all over the diocese. Please pray to hear God’s call for you! St. Joseph Pray for Us!