In the past, CCBT has very generously participated in the annual Baby Bottle Fundraisers. Due to COVID-19 we did not have one in 2020 and do not plan one for 2021. As the financial need is
still great, won’t you prayerfully consider a donation? January is Respect Life Month and a perfect time to donate, although donations are accepted and appreciated any time of the year.

There are 2 easy ways to donate. The Donate button on the website:
by mailing a check directly to the office at:     1141 E. Union St., Newark, NY 14513.

Either way, please be sure to note CCBT with the donation. (Care Net is also on Facebook.)

Care Net is a Christian outreach that helps women and men before, during and after an unexpected pregnancy. Your financial support helps provide free pregnancy testing, free ultrasounds and classes; as well as donated and purchased baby supplies, clothing and food; and mortgage payments for the office. Currently, all services are still being provided, as well as classes on-line  and material goods distributed via drive-up to the office. Thank you in advance for your support. If questions or for more information, please contact; Rosemary Seymour (315-594-6037) or
Marie Smith (315-591-1051)