Then children were brought to him
that he might lay his hands on them and pray.
The disciples rebuked them but Jesus said,
“Let the children come to me,
and do not prevent them;
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
After he placed his hands on them, he went away.
– Matthew 19:13-15, NAB
As Jesus encouraged children to be brought to him, he made them important part of his public ministry as recipients of his blessings and as reminder for other disciples that it is to these, precisely as children, that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs.
Pray that as a parish we provide a second home to our children and youth, a second home where the love of God guides our care and attention to them. This care and attention takes shape in us consciously bringing all our children and youth closer to Jesus Christ – in a special and unique way to the Mass – where they really encounter Jesus in his word through the Gospel and his real presence through his Body and Blood.
May their real encounter with Jesus through the Mass lead them to greater appreciation of the family of God, that is, our parish, and of the on-going faith formation program that caters to the needs of our children and youth: religious education, sacramental preparation and youth ministry.
For more info or inquiries, please contact Mrs. Maureen Mahoney @ or (315) 594-9430.
Catholic Courier Article on our Mass for Youth and Children
Updated Diocesan Guidelines for the Administration of the Sacrament