Family Promise has communicated the need for diapers in sizes 5 and 6. No matter which church you attend in the cluster, if you would like to help fulfill this need it would be greatly appreciated.

The diapers can be placed in the Family Promise bin located at the back of each church. The collection will run through the month of June. If you are wondering about the impact of Family Promise of Wayne County here are some interesting statistics: 2,252+ meals have been served since 2018, 95% of families graduate into stable housing, 52 days is the average stay in the program, and there are about 350 volunteers in Wayne County.

Here is a link to a video of a child’s account of how Family Promise helped her family…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP5Eli0crzY.

Thank you for prayerfully considering helping with this request. Please contact Jill Lee (#315-744-4932) or Marie Smith (#315-591-1051) with questions.

~Transforming the lives of homelessness. Because every child deserves a home.